Ted Cooke Legislative Priorities.
Fix the Economy
- Stop mandates and over-regulation on businesses.
- Lower gasoline prices by lowering or eliminating the states' nearly 50 cents per gallon gasoline tax.
- Improve transportation by realigning DOT spending to match up with the types of transportation people choose to use, not what DOT wants people to use.
- Help fill store shelves by removing blockages to the economy- No quarantine, lockdown nor masking of the healthy, there should be medical right to refuse, and no vax mandates.
- Lower energy costs by ending cap and trade.
- Stop increases in government spending.
- Stop making it more rewarding to stay home than work.
Restore Education
- Parents should always have oversight of children and education.
- Schools should not define by skin color, present sexually encouraging material nor seek to replace parents’ values.
- Make all current school curricula publicly available online for review by parents.
- Schools should proficiently teach reading, writing, arithmetic, objective sciences, and American civics.
Reduce Homelessness
- Implement cost-effective shelters which are sober, sanitary, have public safety and offer job counseling.
- Fix and expand state mental health services.
- Ease the Growth Management Act, streamline permitting & inspection, lower excise and B&O taxes and eliminate the capital gains tax to encourage building affordable new houses.
Ensure Election Integrity
- Your vote should be as secure as your pocket book.
- Ballots should be stored according to precinct.
- Chain of custody should be verifiable.
- Tabulation machines should be domestically manufactured and tamper-proof.
- Require full independent audits, and represent both major parties in elections staffing at all levels.
- Return the option of in-person voting with ID check to protect everyone's vote.
Fund the Police
- When you call 911, the police should show up and be allowed enforce the law.
- Allow police to act on reasonable suspicion once again, not be held to the unworkable standard of probable cause.
- Stop putting police in peril for doing their jobs- No individuals on police use of force review boards who have shown anti-police bias.
- The law should be universal and applied the same to everyone.
Paid for by: Friends of Ted Cooke
P.O. Box 9561
Covington, WA 98042
P.O. Box 9561
Covington, WA 98042